It should be no surprise to anybody reading this blog that I love movies, but some people might not know that I'm trying to make movies as well. It's just one of those things that I have always wanted to do, but it's just a pain in the ass. Something tells me that to put in the work needed to succeed in my plan may become impossible, but I got faith in our lord and savior Steven Soderbergh.
Oh wait, Steven Soderbergh retired? So who am I going to look for inspiration now?
Yes, due to Steven Soderbergh's new career as a painter, there is one less filmmaker making movies. This, as sad as it sounds, can be a good thing. It paves room for more talent. Not saying that I will be that new talent, but I can sure as hell try, right? But here are a few things that are going to make me a better movie lover, a better filmmaker, and a better person in general.
1. Watch more movies - This one should be obvious. I love movies and I don't want to ever stop loving movies. I watch a lot of movies as it is, but I never talk about them enough. I want to watch great movies. I want to be able to form a Top 500 list in my head without having to dig deep on what movies I'm in love with.
2. Watch more bad movies - Even the bad ones need love. What I'm proposing as to watching bad movies are not movies starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson working at Google, but movies that are so bad that they deserve their own special list. Every movie-watcher knows bad movies, but not every movie-watcher loves bad movies.
3. Analyze different directing techniques and trademarks - For film, a director's techniques and trademarks mean everything. I want to know every director's techniques. I don't want to be known as a hack filmmaker - I want to be a filmmaker who pays love to the movies he loves.
4. Watch more TV - This is kind of important, because TV shows are really movies that have a long narrative that are broken up into half-hour or hour segments that have to stay interesting. If you can't stay interesting for an hour and a half film, what makes you think you will be interesting for a 24-hour long episode season?
So here is what I propose - EyeGolb, while still writing reviews for brand new theatrical films, will be a place for my directorial an analysis. I composed a list of over 200 directors (no exaggeration) that I hope to be watching all of their films. I got a netflix account now so things make it a lot easier. I'll be watching every film that the directors put out, taking one director at a time (NOTE: Sometimes this may be difficult, due to availability of a certain film, so there may be two or three different directors spotlighted at one time.) and realizing what makes them great.
And while I'm at it, I'll be reviewing more films that I've seen, but I'm going to make a special point to review some bad films. This will probably start on Monday, and make a feature out of it. B-Movie Monday, I like the sound of it. And even more while I'm at it, I'll be watching more TV - except I probably won't be reviewing any of it, unless if I find something that I really have to write about.
If there are any director requests, just send me a list. Lord knows I probably have them on my list, but the more the marrier. I put together a list of directors that I will be doing so far for my first ten. That list goes as follows.
1. Coen Brothers
2. Nolan
3. Soderbergh
4. Coscarelli
5. Von Trier
6. Jaramusch
7. Del Toro
8. Carpenter
9. D. Lynch
10. Spielberg
And yes, I will be reviewing Soderbergh's BEHIND THE CANDELABRA, but not for a while. But if you need any assurance, it is one of the best films of the year. Watch it.
The first Coen Brothers review will be published on either Saturday or Sunday (probably Sunday) - that being, BLOOD SIMPLE. The first B-Movie Monday review will be on Monday (of course) and the movie will be... wait for it... THE ROOM.
And you are going to get more reviews too. Look out for COMPLIANCE in the next few hours.
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